Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Month 3

Hey, there!

This is Malia, trying to finish one more post and get all caught up.

Zia's third month has been the most fun yet. She talked and smiled so much, and she even started laughing a little bit! Here are some pictures:

From 2 months old...

Heading to Zia's 2-month checkup. She did great and weighed
in at 11 lbs. 1 oz. That is nearly double what she weighed when
we took her home from the hospital (5 lbs. 14 oz.).

Her smile is so precious! She was moving all over
the place as I tried to take some pictures, but I managed
to get a few good ones. :)

The happier she is, the more she moves. :)

All wrapped up in her SwaddleMe wrap again.
That thing is seriously a lifesaver.

She loves to take showers with us.

She cooed whenever we kissed her cheeks. Adorable.

Our little neighbor friend, Lucas, had his first birthday party
a few weeks ago, and it was lots of fun! Zia is lucky
to have so many tiny friends living in the apartments
around us.

This is Lucas. :) He's so adorable.

I have to confess, I love Zia's tiny baby feet. So much.

Hyrum and Gabe came to stay with us while the rest of
the family was on trek. We went to Thanksgiving Point
on their last day with us. We had lots of fun!

Zia sat happily in the stroller for most of the time.

The gardens at Thanksgiving Point are so beautiful!

Zia's uncles sure love her! I can't believe how fast time has gone
since they were this size!

Cute, chubby toesies. I love them!

One of my best friends growing up got married, and Zia accompanied
Grace and me to the reception. 

In case you couldn't tell, Zia spends a decent amount of time in
this thing. I don't know what we are going to do when we have
to wean her off it!

Zia's first play date! Harper (below) was due just 10 days
after Zia. Zia came 5 day early, and so did Harper. Her dad
was one of Austin's mission companions. It was so much
fun to hang out with them and their own tiny!

Can you say chunky monkey? Zia loved Harper's cute bouncer.

The last week of June was spent in a huge cabin in Peoa for the Balderree family reunion (that's my mom's side, if you were wondering).

Gabe and Zia dozing on the couch.

Dad and Gabe are two peas in a pod.

Austin was at work for this adventure, sadly. Dad watched Zia while the
rest of us went on the Alpine Slide. It was so much fun!

I somehow managed to get all of us in a picture on the way up.

Dad teased Gabe that he had to run the rest of the way home after opening
the gate at the beginning of the cabin's driveway, so he decided to do it.
Adam hopped out and ran too.

Tummy time for my chubster.

Hanging out with Dad.

We spent a lot of time in those rocking chairs--Zia
really liked them!

My cousin Sarah was about Zia's age when her family
moved to Florida three years ago, so it was crazy to see how
big she has gotten! She loooooved Zia. She kept on saying,
"Where's the giiiirl baby?" and other things like, "Hers is cute."
What a doll!

Auntie Grace makes sure she gets plenty of Zia time.

Zia enjoyed watching the family talent show.

Mike and Elisabeth's skit about kid-proof furniture cracked me up!

She got pretty fussy (maybe because there was no A/C),
and my dad was nice enough to swing her when nothing
else calmed her down. He said that was the only thing that
worked for me sometimes, too. :)

To thank Grandpa Mike for being so nice to her, Zia
gives him lots of talks and smiles. She loves her grandpa.

Parker Boy's first birthday! Hooray!

My mom's cousin Ali was able to come up for an afternoon
with her adorable little guy, Seve. She said that while watching
a video I posted of Zia talking, Seve started talking back to her.
Maybe they'll be buddies someday. :)

I'm not sure if this video will work in my blog (I don't think I've ever tried
to post one before), but if it does you'll love it! Zia talks sooo much lately,
and Austin is one of her favorite people to talk to. She's so sweet!

Getting all ready for her big day--baby blessing day.

Zia looked so beautiful in her little dress!
Auntie Shantel loves Zia!

For a little while, she only smiled with her tongue sticking out!

She likes to be propped up with pillows. I think she thinks she's an adult.

Daddy and Zia love taking naps together. Sometimes I nap
with them, but usually I take the opportunity to get stuff done!

Zia has learned to enjoy her time in the swing and even falls
asleep there from time to time.

Zia's first 4th of July! We spent it up in Plain City with my side of the family.

The cute kiddos were part of a dancing contest while we waited for the
Plain City Parade to get going.

I love this picture. She's so chunky!
Grandma Becky showing Zia off to her great-grandparents.

Austin's aunt, DeAnna, and her kids, Sabrina, Ben, and Jacob, came down
to visit us from Denver. They loved Zia so much!

So far, DeAnna is the first "grandparent" to pick a name for
Zia to call her--Grandma Nanna. (I hope I spelled it right.) Zia
is lucky to have so many wonderful grandparents!
Almost 3 months old! I couldn't get enough of these pictures on the blankie DeAnna made for Zia. We took a few with her measure-me bunny and some without. I can't believe how big she's getting!

I switched phones (and gmail accounts) after I took these, so I'm still working on getting the rest of month three's pictures up here, but I got most of it. :)

We're already halfway through Zia's fourth month, and we have lots more fun pictures to share in the next post. Thanks for reading!
